Business Activity:
V. Saravanan is engaged in the business of providing research services and conducting courses in stock market V. Saravanan is registered as a Research Analyst under SEBI (Research Analyst)
Regulations, 2014. SEBI Reg. No. INH200002994
Disciplinary History:
There has been no instance of any Disciplinary action, penalty etc. levied/passed by any regulation/administrative agencies against V. Saravanan and his employees. Pursuant to SEBI inspection of books and records of V. Saravanan, as a Research Analyst, SEBI has not issued any Administrative warning to V. Saravanan.
Terms & Conditions of issuance of Research Report:
The Research report is issued to the registered clients. The Research Report is based on the facts, figures and information that are considered true, correct and reliable. The information is obtained from publicly available media or other sources believed to be reliable. The report is prepared solely for informational purpose and doesnot constitute an offer document or solicitation to buy or sell or subscribe for securities or other financialinstruments for clients.
Disclosures with regard to ownership and material conflicts of interest:
V. Saravanan or its research analysts, or his/her relative or associate has any direct or indirect
financial interest in the subject company.
V. Saravanan or its research analysts, or his/her relative or associate has any other material
conflict of interest at time of publication of the research report.
V. Saravanan or its research analysts, or his/her relative or associates have actual ownership
of one % or more securities of the subject company.
Disclosures with regard to receipt of compensation:
V. Saravanan or its associates have received any compensation from the subject company
in the past twelve months. NO
V. Saravanan or its associates have managed or co-managed public offering of securities
for the subject in the past twelve months. NO
V. Saravanan or its associates have received any compensation or other benefits
from the subject company or third party in connection with the research report . NO
Other Disclosures:
The research analyst has served as an officer,director,employee of the
subject company.
V. Saravanan or its research analyst has been engaged in market making activity
for the subject company.
V. Saravanan or its or associates have received any compensation from the
subject company in the past twelve months.